Friday, November 22, 2013

A tar sands mine in Madison ??

Madison has its own version of the tar sands--an asphalt and concrete recycling operation near the corner of the Beltline and Verona Rd.  Next door is a staging area for the stormsewer work going on along the beltline.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Clean Clear Waters Challenge Announced for Local Builders

First Clean Clear Waters certified home...
Highlights advanced erosion control and storm water management practices
to help clean our waters.

 1:00 p.m., Tuesday, November 5, 2013
 1008 Edgehill Drive, Village of Shorewood Hills

MADISON – A bold new program will now enable local building projects to obtain a “Clean Clear Waters” designation by complying with advanced erosion control practices.   The program will officially be unveiled at the first Clean Clear Waters certified home.  Located in the Village of Shorewood Hills, the home captures 100% of rooftop run-off with rainwater recovery and native landscaping features and used advanced erosion control and storm water management practices during construction.