Update 10/28, 10:00 am: Tim Troester has posted a new inspection for the Greenway project for 10/27. His accurate inspection adds important detail, including the time and photos. Therefore, I believe that Engineering is responding to my comments below, and that the situation is improving.
Accurate reporting is essential if our erosion control regulations are to work. They could provide the feedback that engineers and regulators need to see if their erosion control measures are working. And they are essential to holding contractors accountable to regulations.
Inspection reports are legal documents. They need to be accurate and detailed enough to stand up in court, under cross-examination. Inspections by the City of Madison, for the most part, are neither accurate* nor detailed.
For that reason, some citizens have lost faith that contractors are accountable. That's why a lawsuit was filed by residents outraged by Speedway's behavior. And accountability is the reason for this blog. Our thousands of photos stand as accurate inspections. Each photo has a time stamp--in contrast to City inspections, which so far lack this basic element.
Yet Contractor Report has found
instances of inaccurate inspections.