Saturday, July 10, 2010

Stevens Construction, Scott Lewis and CMI violate erosion control permit--a dirty mess for neighborhood

Baldwin Corners, a development by Scott Lewis and CMI, is violating three parts of its erosion control plan:

Mr. Lewis is not maintaining the stormwater inlet filters as required.

Mr. Lewis is using an unauthorized entrance to the construction site--one without a gravel tracking pad.

The purpose of the gravel pad is to prevent mud from being tracked off the site.  So using an unauthorized entrance results in scattering mud about the neighborhood--eventually the mud ends up in the lakes.

Mr. Lewis is tracking much dirt off-site, without cleaning up at the end of the day, as required.

Neighbors say this has been continuing throughout construction.

Go here to find out why muddy tracks are a serious problem for the lakes.

In addition, we think the existing gravel pad is inadequate, although it has passed inspection by the City. (It's supposed to be 50' long.)

The muddy tracks leading from this pad prove that it's inadequate and prove that City inspectors routinely pass inadequate pads.

If this is how the construction is managed, it's fair to ask--how will the apartments be managed?

See all the photos here.

Contractor, on site, allowing mud to escape:
Stevens Construction ...  "THE BEST IN ALL WE DO"
Clayton Nelson, Project Manager
Kirk Halvorsen, Jobsite Superintendent

Responsible City personnel:
Jeff Benedict
City-County Bldg., Rm. 115, Madison WI 53703-3342
(608) 267-1198

Permit holder (and violator):
Baldwin Corners, LLC
Scott Lewis
106 E. Doty St, Madison WI 53703

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